
2020年10月15日 星期四

獨一真教會(詩歌)-梁宏真弟兄作曲 梁利慕伊勒傳道作詞-2020年8月-沙巴教會


我是梁宏真(Isaac Leong),這是一個關於我如何通過夢獲得創作詩歌靈感的見證。在2020年5月底,在行動管制令期間,我向神禱告,祈求神啟發詩歌於我。神確實應允了我,隔天晚上,靈感來了(聽到這首詩歌的旋律不斷縈繞腦際),但是,我並沒有採取行動即刻寫下這首歌。










獨一真教會THE ONE TRUE CHURCH LATEST(歌譜PDF)-Composer/Isaac Leong,Lyrics/Pr.Lemuel Leong

見證英文版-One True Church- Isaac Leong





One True Church- Isaac Leong

In the name of the Lord Jesus, I bear witness. My name is Isaac Leong. This testimony is related to how I received an inspiration to compose a hymn through a dream. At the end of May 2020, during the MCO period, I prayed that God would inspire me with a song. Indeed, God answered my prayer. In the following night, I got inspiration through listening to the melody of a song. However, I did not act quickly to write out the song.

I am a person with many dreams. Every night, I would sleep with many dreams playing in my mind but on 28 July 2020, I had a dream in the form of a rebuke that was clearly related to the inspiration of the song I received. That night, I dreamed that I was standing alone in front of a house in a residential area. All the houses in the area were white and the atmosphere there was so pleasant that it seemed like it was not of this world. Suddenly, a man who dressed in a royal courier stopped in front of me, and he handed out a very beautiful letter that resembled an invitation to a royal ball or a ball at the palace because there were a seal and a golden pattern on the letter. As the mailman or postman went to the other houses, I started to open the letter. The paper in the envelope was like a very long scroll. I had to read the contents of the letter instantly as I was taking out the letter from the envelope because it seemed to have no end.

I began reading the contents of the letter. In the dream, I could not tell what language it was, however after reading it, I was clear that the letter was a form of rebuke.

"I have given you an inspiration since May, but you are still wasting time." (In the letter, there was also a detailed account of the activities I did during those few months including watching some popular anime series).

“Write out the song and name it ‘One True Church’. The melody of this song will not disappear from your memory till you have completed writing it". With that reminder, I woke up from the dream.

On the next day, I shared this dream with my parents, and they encouraged me to write out the song quickly. Thank God, I finished writing the full score of this song on 07 August 2020. As mentioned in the letter of my dream, as soon as I finished writing the song, surprisingly, the melody was no longer hovering in my memory and I even had to look at what was written on the song sheet to recall.

The lyrics were written by my father, Lemuel Leong on 09 August 2020. All glory is only worthy to God. Hallelujah!

